Adelaide Zoo

Volunteering at Adelaide Zoo

It takes a very special kind of person to dedicate time and energy to a cause they’re passionate about, and amazing volunteer guide Shelley Tozer is one of them!

Shelley does a brilliant job teaching people, young and old, about all our marvellous animals at Adelaide Zoo.

Getting up close and personal with furry friends wasn’t the only thing that had her thinking about helping at the zoo; a life of admin work left Shelley wishing for something more meaningful.

“I really like talking to people and chatting, but it’s also really encouraging to be able to see the conservation side of the zoo,” Shelley said.

“It’s really great for people to volunteer because you learn about the important work Zoos SA is doing to safeguard our wonderful wildlife and you also learn little ways to look out for nature that they can do in your  home.

“I can’t get enough!”

While animals like her favourite orangutans, and friends like Banks the cockatoo make the job enjoyable, it’s also the human relationships that keeps Shelley coming back.

“You become really attached to both the people and the animals here.

“To be able to talk about someone like Miss C, and say we’ve got the world’s oldest sloth; that’s really exciting.

“I’ve made some firm friends – they’re a big part of my life and it’s really wonderful.”

To celebrate Volunteering Australia’s National Volunteer Week, we’re paying tribute to all our incredible and passionate volunteers for the phenomenal work they do!

Zoos SA has more than 500 invaluable helpers who together contribute thousands of hours across both Adelaide and Monarto Zoo.

Whether it’s spreading knowledge as a volunteer guide, or creating stimulating enrichment toys for our animals, as a conservation charity we rely on the overwhelming support of our volunteers to make sure the zoo is in tip top shape.

Again, thank you so much to all our incredibly dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to make sure our zoos are perfect for both the animals and our visitors – we couldn’t do it without you!

If you want to help animals as a volunteer with Zoos SA, you can find out how here.

By Sophie Hueppauff