Adelaide Zoo

Our latest encounter takes giraffe feeding to the next level

From high up on a private platform, you’ll have the perfect vantage point to come face-to-face with Adelaide Zoo’s gorgeous little giraffe Nolean!

During the 20-minute experience you will hand feed Nolean some of her favourite treats. You’ll also have the attention of a giraffe keeper who will answer your questions and tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the leggy pair and their wild cousins.

Perfect for animal lovers, to celebrate a special occasion or just because you want to help support Zoos SA’s conservation work.

Go on, stick your neck out for Giraffe Face-to-Face.

Please note the minimum age for this experience is 8 years.

Highlights of this experience

  • See Nolean as never before – from up high on our private VIP platform
  • Feed bunches of browse to the giraffe and check out her super long tongue and batting eyelashes

Giraffes tongues are a blueish black colour – this helps to protect them from sunburn!

Who feels sleepy? Not a giraffe. They only sleep between 20 mins and 2 hours a day

How your ticket helps our conservation efforts

Sadly, giraffe are facing trouble in the wild. Habitat loss, poaching and civil unrest has seen giraffe numbers plummet from around 155,000 in 1985 to about 70,000 today.

We’re committed to continuing our successful giraffe breeding program at our sister wildlife park, Monarto Safari Park, to ensure generations to come can enjoy the wonder of these gentle giants. Every calf born is an important contribution to the breeding program working to secure the future of the species.

We’re also proud to partner with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation to raise valuable funds for Twiga Tracker, the largest giraffe GPS satellite tracking programme in Africa to learn more about giraffes’ spatial movements and habitat use in the wild. This project has local groups in Uganda working to save the Nubian Giraffe, a unique subspecies that is vital to maintaining genetic diversity within the world’s giraffe population.

By purchasing a ticket to Giraffe Feed, your support will help us continue our important conservation work to ensure these gentle giants stay a stride ahead of extinction. To support us even further you can also adopt our giraffe or make a tax deductible donation.

Want to get involved? You can help!

Adopt or donate