Adelaide Zoo

Assistance Animals Guide

We have partnered with accredited training body See Differently to welcome trained guide dogs at Adelaide Zoo between the hours of 10.30am – 3pm. To ensure you, your assistance animal and the animals home to Adelaide Zoo have the most rewarding and safest interactions, please watch the guide below that explains the zone map and traffic light system.

Apply to visit

Assistance Animal Access Disclaimer

Owners of an Assistance Animal must provide proof that their animal is trained by a Zoos SA approved accredited training body and agree to the terms below:

  • My assistance dog has been resident in Australia for the last 6 months or has received an annual vaccination against rabies, has received an annual vaccination for standard canine diseases (including canine distemper and parvovirus), has received anthelmintic treatment in the last six months and has not shown any signs of disease, including vomiting or diarrhoea, in the last 24 hours.
  • I agree to adhere to the zone guide and refrain from entering restricted areas with my animal.
  • I understand that there are designated areas for my dog to toilet on site as outlined on the map and will ensure my dog adheres these.
  • I agree to keep my dog on a short leash at all times.
  • I understand that if my dog should start barking or growling it should be removed to an area where no zoo animals are present, until the animal stops vocalising.
  • If any animal shows signs of stress or alarm towards my dog, I understand I must step back and move on.
  • I understand that a Zoos SA staff member may request for me to move on to a different area if my animal is causing distress to zoo animals within this area.
  • I will report to the Adelaide Zoo admissions team on the day of our visit when I arrive.

Please complete this form a minimum of 5 business days in advance of intended visit. We will endeavour to respond to your request by phone within 5 business days.

To complete the application via phone, please call 08 8267 3255 between 9.30am – 5pm. Adelaide Zoo uses National Relay Service.